Listed below are significant research publications and presentations that members of the GSMRF team have made.
Type | Research Output | References | File |
Book | Falnes, J. and Kurniawan, A. "Ocean Waves and Oscillating Systems: Linear Interactions Including Wave-Energy Extraction" | Cambridge University Press | "Ocean Waves and Oscillating Systems: Linear Interactions Including Wave-Energy Extraction" |
Journal publication | Chow S.H, O'Loughlin C.D., Gaudin C., Lieng J.T. “Drained monotonic and cyclic capacity of a dynamically installed anchor in sand" | Ocean Engineering (2018) | Drained monotonic and cyclic capacity of a dynamically installed anchor in sand |
Journal publication | Hao D., Wang D., O’Loughlin C.D., Gaudin C. “Tensile monotonic capacity of helical anchors in sand: interaction between helices” | Canadian Geotechnical Journal (2018) | Tensile monotonic capacity of helical anchors in sand: interaction between helices |
Journal publication | Judge F.M., Orszaghova J., Taylor P.H., Borthwick A.G.L. “A 2DH hybrid Boussinesq-NSWE solver for near-shore hydrodynamics” | Coastal Engineering (2018) | A 2DH hybrid Boussinesq-NSWE solver for near-shore hydrodynamics |
Journal publication | McCauley G.J., Wolgamot H., Orszaghova J., Draper S. “Linear hydrodynamic modelling of arrays of submerged oscillating cylinders” | Applied Ocean Research (2018) | Linear hydrodynamic modelling of arrays of submerged oscillating cylinders |
Journal publication | Rijnsdorp D.P., Hansen J.E., Lowe R.J. “Simulating the wave-induced response of a submerged wave-energy converter using a non-hydrostatic wave-flow model” | Coastal Engineering (2018) | Simulating the wave-induced response of a submerged wave-energy converter using a non-hydrostatic wave-flow model |
Journal publication | Cuttler M.V.W., Hansen J.E., Lowe R.J. “Seasonal and interannual variability of the wave climate at a wave energy hotspot off the southwestern coast of Australia” | Renewable Energy (2019) | Seasonal and interannual variability of the wave climate at a wave energy hotspot off the southwestern coast of Australia |
Journal publication | Huang T., O’Loughlin C.D., Gaudin C., Tian Y., Lu T. “Drained response of rigid piles in sand under an inclined tensile load” | Géotechnique Letters (2019) | Drained response of rigid piles in sand under an inclined tensile load |
Journal publication | Orszaghova J., Wolgamot H., Draper S., Eatock Taylor R., Taylor P.H., Rafiee A. “Transverse motion instability of a submerged moored buoy” | Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences (2019) | Transverse motion instability of a submerged moored buoy |
Journal publication | Zhao L., Gaudin C., O'Loughlin C.D., Hambleton J., Cassidy M.J., Herduin M. “Drained capacity of a suction caisson in sand under inclined loading” | Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (2019) | Drained capacity of a suction caisson in sand under inclined loading |
Journal publication | Santo H., Taylor P.H., Stansby P.K., “The performance of the three-float M4 wave energy converter off Albany, on the south coast of Western Australia, compared to Orkney (EMEC) in the U.K.” | Renewable Energy (2019) | The performance of the three-float M4 wave energy converter off Albany, on the south coast of Western Australia, compared to Orkney (EMEC) in the U.K. |
Journal publication | Zhu, F., Bienen, B., O’Loughlin, C.D., Cassidy, M.J., Morgan. N. “Suction caisson foundations for offshore wind energy: cyclic response in sand and sand over clay” | Géotechnique (2019) | Suction caisson foundations for offshore wind energy: cyclic response in sand and sand over clay |
Journal publication | Fan, S., Bienen, B., Randolph, M.F. "Centrifuge study on effect of installation method on lateral response of monopiles in sand" | International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (2019) | Centrifuge study on effect of installation method on lateral response of monopiles in sand |
Journal publication | Archer, A.J., Wolgamot, H.A., Orszaghova, J.K, Bennetts, L.G., Peter, M.A. and Craster, R.V. "Broadband control of water wave energy amplification in chirped arrays" | Physical Review Fluids (2019) | Broadband control of water wave energy amplification in chirped arrays |
Journal publication | Fiumana, N., Bienen, B., Govoni, S., Gourvenec, S., Cassidy, M.J., Gottardi, G. "Combined loading capacity of skirted circular foundations in loose sand" | Ocean Engineering (2019) | Combined loading capacity of skirted circular foundations in loose sand |
Journal publication | Griffiths, T., White, D. J., Draper, S., Leighton, A., Cheng, L., An, H., & Fogliani, A "Lateral resistance of "rigid" pipelines and cables on rocky seabeds" | Canadian Geotechnical Journal (2019) | Lateral resistance of "rigid" pipelines and cables on rocky seabeds |
Journal publication | Kreitmair, M. J., Draper, S., Borthwick, A. G. L., & van den Bremer, T. S. "The effect of uncertain bottom friction on estimates of tidal current power" | Royal Society Open Science (2019) | The effect of uncertain bottom friction on estimates of tidal current power |
Journal publication | Niemann, C. O’Loughlin, C.D., Tian, Y., Cassidy, M.J., and Reul, O. "Response of pile groups in sand due to lateral cyclic loading” | International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (2019) | Response of pile groups in sand due to lateral cyclic loading |
Journal publication | Stapelfeldt, M., Bienen, B., Grabe, J. "The influence of the drainage regime on the installation and the response to vertical cyclic loading of suction caissons in dense sand" | Ocean Engineering (2019) | The influence of the drainage regime on the installation and the response to vertical cyclic loading of suction caissons in dense sand |
Journal publication | Zhu, F., Bienen, B., O’Loughlin, C., Morgan, N., Cassidy, M.J. "The response of suction caissons to multidirectional lateral cyclic loading in sand over clay" | Ocean Engineering (2019) | The response of suction caissons to multidirectional lateral cyclic loading in sand over clay |
Journal publication | Greenslade, D., Hemer, M. Babanin, A., Lowe, R. Turner, I. Power, H., Young, I. Lerodiaconou, D., Hibbert, G. Williams, G. Zijaz, S., Alburquerque, J.K., Allen, S., Banner, M., Branson, P., Buchan, S., Burton, A., Bye, J.K., Cartwright, N., Chabchoub, A., Colberg, F., Contardo, S., Dufois, F., Earl-Spurr, C., Farr, D., Goodwin, I., Gunson, J.K., Hansen, J., Hanslow, D., Harley, M., Hetzel, Y.K. Hoeke, R., Jones, N., Kinsela, M., Liu, Q. Makarynskyy, O., Marcollo, H., Mazaheri, S., McConochie, J., Millar, G., Moltmann, T., Moodie, N., Morim, J., Morison, J., Orszaghova, J., Pattiaratchi, C., Pomeroy, A., Proctor, R., Provis, D., Reef, R., Rijnsdorf, D., Rutherford, M., Schulz, E. Shayer, J., Splinter, K., Steinberg, C., Strauss, D., Stuart, G., Symonds, G., Tarbath, K., Taylor, D., Taylor, J., Thotagamuwage, D., Toffoli, A., Valizadeh, Al., van Hazel, J., da Silva, G., Wandres, M., Whittaker, C., Williams, D., Winter, G., Xu, J., Zhong, A., Zieger, S. ""15 Priorities for Wind-Waves Research" | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (2019) | |
Journal publication | Rijnsdorp D.P., Hansen J.E., Lowe R.J. “Understanding coastal impacts by nearshore wave farms using a phase-resolving wave model" | Renewable Energy (2020) | Understanding coastal impacts by nearshore wave farms using a phase-resolving wave model |
Journal publication | van Rooijen, A., Lowe, R.J., Rijnsdorp, D.P., Ghisalberti, M., Jacobsen, N.G., McCall, R. "Wave-driven mean flow dynamics in submerged canopies" | American Geophysical Union (2020) | Wave-driven mean flow dynamics in submerged canopies |
Journal publication | Orszaghova, J., Wolgamot, H., Draper, S., Taylor, P.H. and Rafiee, A. "Onset and limiting amplitude of yaw instability of a submerged three-tethered buoy" | The Royal Society Publishing (2020) | Onset and limiting amplitude of yaw instability of a submerged three-tethered buoy |
Journal publication | Chow, S.H., Diambra, A., O’Loughlin, C.D., Gaudin, C. and Randolph, M.F. “Consolidation effects on monotonic and cyclic capacity of plate anchors in sand” | Géotechnique (2020) | Consolidation effects on monotonic and cyclic capacity of plate anchors in sand |
Journal publication | Bonesso, J.L., Cuttler, M.V.W., Browne, N., Hacker, J., O'Leary, M. "Assessing Reef Island Sensitivity Based on LiDAR-Derived Morphometric Indicators" | Remote Sensing (2020) | "Assessing Reef Island Sensitivity Based on LiDAR-Derived Morphometric Indicators" |
Journal publication | Kurniawan, A., Brown, S., Forehand, D., & Wolgamot, H. "Wave–Structure Interactions of Flexible Bags with Elastic Tendons: Application to Wave Energy Conversion" | Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (2020) | Wave–Structure Interactions of Flexible Bags with Elastic Tendons: Application to Wave Energy Conversion |
Journal publication | Adcock, T.A.A, Draper, S., Willden, R.H.J, & Vogel, C.R. "The Fluid Mechanics of Tidal Stream Energy Conversion" | Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics (2020) | The Fluid Mechanics of Tidal Stream Energy Conversion |
Journal publication | Ragni, R., Bienen, B., O’Loughlin, C.D., Stanier, S.A., Cassidy, M.J., Morgan, N. "Observations of the effects of a clay layer on suction bucket installation in sand" | Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE) (2020) | Ragni, R., Bienen, B., O’Loughlin, C.D., Stanier, S.A., Cassidy, M.J. and Morgan, N. 2020 “Observations of the effects of a clay layer on suction bucket installation in sand”, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, (146)5: 04020020, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002217 |
Journal publication | Kreitmair, M. J., Adcock, T. A. A., Borthwick, A. G. L., Draper, S., & van den Bremer, T. S. "The effect of bed roughness uncertainty on tidal stream power estimates for the Pentland Firth" | International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (2020) | The effect of bed roughness uncertainty on tidal stream power estimates for the Pentland Firth |
Journal publication | Lin, J., Borthwick, A. G. L., Lin, B., & Draper, S. "Power extraction by a water turbine in inviscid free surface flow with vertical shear" | European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids (2020) | Power extraction by a water turbine in inviscid free surface flow with vertical shear |
Journal publication | Ragni, R., Bienen, B., Stanier, S., O’Loughlin, C., Cassidy, M.J. "Observations during suction bucket installation in sand" | International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (2020) | Observations during suction bucket installation in sand |
Journal publication | Luo, L., O’Loughlin, C.D., , B., Wang, Y., Cassidy, M.J., Morgan, N. "Effect of the ordering of cyclic loading on the response of suction caissons in sand" | Géotechnique Letters (2020) | Effect of the ordering of cyclic loading on the response of suction caissons in sand |
Journal publication | Heins, E., Bienen, B., Randolph, M.F., Grabe, J. "Effect of installation method on static and dynamic load test response for large diameter open-ended piles in sand" | International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (2020) | Effect of installation method on static and dynamic load test response for large diameter open-ended piles in sand |
Journal publication | Roy, A., Chow, S., O’Loughlin, C.D., Randolph, M.F. and Whyte, S. “Use of a bounding surface model for predicting element tests and capacity of simple surface footings” | Canadian Geotechnical Journal (2020) | “Use of a bounding surface model for predicting element tests and capacity of simple surface footings” |
Journal publication | da Silva, R.F., Storlazzi, C.D., Rogers, J.S. et al "Modelling three-dimensional flow over spur-and-groove morphology" | Coral Reefs (2020) | "Modelling three-dimensional flow over spur-and-groove morphology" |
Journal publication | Roy, A., Chow, S., O’Loughlin, C.D. and Randolph, M.F. “Towards a simple and reliable method for calculating the uplift capacity of plate anchors in sand” | Canadian Geotechnical Journal (2020) | “Towards a simple and reliable method for calculating the uplift capacity of plate anchors in sand” |
Journal publication | Cuttler, M.V.W., Vos, K., Branson, P., Hansen, J.E., O’Leary, M., Browne, N.K., Lowe, R.J. ""Interannual Response of Reef Islands to Climate-Driven Variations in Water Level and Wave Climate" | Remote Sensing (2020) | "Interannual Response of Reef Islands to Climate-Driven Variations in Water Level and Wave Climate" |
Journal publication | Rosenberger, K.J. Storlazzi, C.D., Cheriton, O.M., Pomeroy, A.W.M., Hansen, J.E., Lowe R.J. and Buckley, M.L. "Spectral Wave-Driven Bedload Transport Across a Coral Reef Flat/Lagoon Complex" | Frontiers in Marine Science (2020) | "Spectral Wave-Driven Bedload Transport Across a Coral Reef Flat/Lagoon Complex" |
Journal publication | Pomeroy, A.W.M., Curt D. Storlazzi, Curt D., Rosenberger, Kurt J., Lowe, R.J., Hansen, J.E. and Buckley, M.L. "The contribution of currents, sea‐swell waves, and infragravity waves to suspended‐sediment transport across a coral reef‐lagoon system" | Frontiers in Marine Science (2020) | "The contribution of currents, sea‐swell waves, and infragravity waves to suspended‐sediment transport across a coral reef‐lagoon system" |
Journal publication | Zhao L., Bransby F., Gaudin C. "Centrifuge observations on multidirectional loading of a suction caisson in dense sand" | Acta Geotechnica (2020) | "Centrifuge observations on multidirectional loading of a suction caisson in dense sand" |
Journal publication | Cai Y., Bransby F., Gaudin C., Uzieli M. "A framework for the design of vertically loaded piles in spatially variable soil" | Computers & Geotechnics (2020) | "A framework for the design of vertically loaded piles in spatially variable soil" |
Journal publication | Roy, A., O’Loughlin, C.D., Chow, S. and Randolph, M.F. “Inclined loading of horizontal plate anchors in sand” | Géotechnique (2020) | Roy, A., O’Loughlin, C.D., Chow, S. and Randolph, M.F. 2020 “Inclined loading of horizontal plate anchors in sand”, Géotechnique, accepted |
Journal publication | Zhao L., Bransby F., Gaudin C., Cassidy M.J. "Capacity of caissons in dense sand under combined loading" | Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (2020) | Zhao L., Bransby F., Gaudin C., Cassidy M.J. "Capacity of caissons in dense sand under combined loading" |
Journal publication | Rijnsdorp, D. P., Buckley, M. L., da Silva, R. F., Cuttler, M. V. W., Hansen, J. E., Lowe, R. J., et al. "A numerical study of wave-driven mean flows and setup dynamics at a coral reef-lagoon system" | Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans (2021) | "A numerical study of wave-driven mean flows and setup dynamics at a coral reef-lagoon system" |
Journal publication | Richards I.A., Bransby M.F., Byrne B.W., Gaudin C., Houlsby G.T. "The effect of stress-level on the response of a model monopile to cyclic lateral loading in sand" | Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (2021) | "The effect of stress-level on the response of a model monopile to cyclic lateral loading in sand" |
Journal publication | da Silva, R. F., Rijnsdorp, D. P., Hansen, J. E., Lowe, R., Buckley, M., Zijlema, M. "An efficient method to calculate depth-integrated, phase-averaged momentum balances in non-hydrostatic models" | Ocean Modelling (2021) | "An efficient method to calculate depth-integrated, phase-averaged momentum balances in non-hydrostatic models" |
Journal publication | Hlophe, T., Wolgamot, H. Kurniawan, A., Taylor, P.H., Orszaghova, J.K., Draper, S. "Fast wave-by-wave prediction of weakly nonlinear unidirectional wave fields" | Applied Ocean Research (2021) | "Fash wave-by-wave prediction of weakly nonlinear unidirectional wave fields" |
Journal publication | Dee, S., Cuttler, M., Cartwright, P. McIlwain, J. Browne, N. "Encrusters maintain stable carbonate production despite temperature anomalies among two inshore island reefs of the Pilbara, Western Australia" | Marine Environmental Research (2021) | "Encrusters maintain stable carbonate production despite temperature anomalies among two inshore island reefs of the Pilbara, Western Australia" |
Journal publication | Cartwright, P.J., Fearns, P.R., Branson, P., Cuttler, M.V., O'Leary, M., Browne, N.K., Lowe, R.J. "Identifying Metocean Drivres of Turbidity Using 18 Years of MODIS Satellite Date: Implications for Marine Ecosystems under Climate Change" | Remote Sensing (2021) | "Identifying Metocean Drivres of Turbidity Using 18 Years of MODIS Satellite Date: Implications for Marine Ecosystems under Climate Change" |
Journal publication | Kurniawan, A., Tran, T.T., Brown, S.A., Eskilsson, C., Orszaghova, J., Greaves, D. "Numerical simulation of parametric resonance in point absorbers using a simplified model" | The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Renewable Power Generation (2021) | "Numerical simulation of parametric resonance in point absorbers using a simplified model" |
Journal publication | Orszaghova, J.and Taylor, P. H. and Wolgamot, H. A., Madsen, F. J., Pegalajar-Jurado, A. M. and Bredmose, H. "Wave- and drag-driven subharmonic responses of a floating wind turbine" | Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2021) | "Wave and drag driven subharmonic responses of a floating wind turbine" |
Journal publication | David, D.R., Dirk P. Rijnsdorp, D.P., Hansen, J.H., Lowe R.J., Buckley, M.L. "Predicting coastal impacts by wave farms: a comparison of phase-averaged vs phase-resolving models" | Renewable Energy (2022) | "Predicting coastal impacts by wave farms: A comparison of wave-averaged and wave-resolving models" |
Journal publication | Cai Y., Bransby F., Gaudin C., Tian Y. "Influence of soil spatial variability on reliability of plate anchors" | Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (Under Review) | |
Keynote | Gaudin C., O’Loughlin C.D., Bienen B. "Geotechnical modelling for offshore renewable" | Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, London, UK. (2018) | 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, London, UK. |
Keynote | Bienen B., Gaudin C., Randolph M.F. “Geotechnical considerations associated with offshore renewable energy installations” | Proceedings of the 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Tapei, Taiwan (2019) | 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Tapei, Taiwan |
Keynote | Kurniawan A. "Wave energy: Past, present, future" | International Conference on Technology and Policy in Electric Power and Energy (ICT-PEP), online 2020 | International Conference on Technology and Policy in Electric Power and Energy (ICT-PEP), 2020 |
Keynote | Lowe, R. “Improving Predictions of the Processes Governing Performance of Nature Based Solutions” | Symposium on Nature Based Solutions for Coasts, Ports and Estuaries, Fremantle, 1 Dec 2020 | Symposium on Nature Based Solutions for Coasts, Ports and Estuaries, Fremantle, 1 Dec 2020 |
Keynote | Lowe, R. “Experimental testing of ecosystem-flow interactions: implications for coastal flooding and erosion” | 8th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science, Zhoushan, China, 10 Dec 2020 | 8th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science, Zhoushan, China, 10 Dec 2020 |
Keynote | Whitehouse, R. & Draper, S. "Sediment Transport and Scour in the Ocean Environment – Knowledge and Future Directions" | 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG) Postponed - 2022 | Postponed to 2022 |
Conference presentation | Herduin M., Gaudin C., Johanning L. “Anchor sharing in sands. Centrifuge modelling and soil element testing to characterise multidirectional loadings” | Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Artic Engineering. Madrid, Spain (2018) | 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Artic Engineering. Madrid, Spain |
Conference Presentation | Fiumana N., Gaudin C., O'Loughlin C.D., Tian Y. “Physical modelling of active suction for offshore renewables" | Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (2018) | Physical Modelling in Geotechnics |
Conference presentation | Gaudin C., Lowe R.J., Draper S., Hansen J.E., Wolgamot H., Fievez J., Taylor D., Pichard A. “A wave energy research centre in Albany, Australia” | Proceedings of the 4th Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (2018) | 4th Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Taipei, Taiwan |
Conference presentation | Orszaghova J., Wolgamot H., Draper S., Rafiee A. “Motion instabilities in tethered buoy WECs” | Proceedings of the 4th Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (2018) | 4th Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Taipei, Taiwan |
Conference presentation | White, D.J., O’Loughlin, C.D., Stark, N. and Chow, S. “Interpretation of free fall penetrometer tests in sands: an approach to determining the equivalent static resistance” | Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, CPT’18, Delft, Netherlands (2018) | Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, CPT’18, Delft, Netherlands |
Conference presentation | Bienen B., Ragni R., Fiumana N., Gaudin C. “Suction bucket foundations for offshore renewable energy installations” | Proceedings of the 13th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, Perth (2019) | 13th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, Perth |
Conference presentation | Chow S.H., Verth A., Zang L., Orszaghova J., Bradley R., Wolgamot H., Beemer R.D. “Mooring of wave energy systems using dynamically installed anchors” | Proceedings of the 13th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, Perth (2019) | 13th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, Perth |
Conference presentation | McCauley G.J., Wolgamot H., Draper S., Orszaghova J. “Wave interaction with a shallowly submerged step in 2D” | International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Glasgow, UK (2019) | International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Glasgow, UK |
Conference presentation | McCauley G.J., Wolgamot H., Draper S., Orszaghova J. “Wave interaction with a shallowly submerged step” | The 34th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Newcastle (2019) | 34th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Newcastle |
Conference presentation | Rijnsdorp D.P., Orszaghova J., Skene D., Wolgamot H., Rafiee A. “Modelling motion instabilities of a submerged wave energy converter” | The 34th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Newcastle (2019) | 34th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Newcastle |
Conference presentation | Skene D., Wolgamot H., Geldard J., Taylor P., Draper S. “Real-time prediction of unidirectional irregular waves” | The 34th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Newcastle (2019) | 34th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Newcastle |
Conference presentation | Buckley M., Hansen J., Lowe R., Cuttler M., Green R., Dufois F. "Observations and modeling of waves and currents in Albany, WA" | Australian Marine Sciences Association. Fremantle (2019) | Australian Marine Sciences Association. Fremantle |
Conference presentation | Cuttler M., Hansen J., Lowe R. "Seasonal and interannual variability of the wave climate at a wave energy hotspot off the southwestern coast of Australia" | Australian Marine Sciences Association. Fremantle (2019) | Australian Marine Sciences Association. Fremantle |
Conference presentation | Ebeling W., Gaudin C., Lowe R., Draper S. "Great Southern Marine Research Facility – a new hub for Australia’s Blue Economy" | Australian Marine Sciences Association. Fremantle (2019) | Australian Marine Sciences Association. Fremantle |
Conference presentation | Green R., Lowe R., Buckley M., Foster T., Gilmour J. "Physical mechanisms influencing localized patterns of temperature variability and coral bleaching within a system of reef atolls" | Australian Marine Sciences Association. Fremantle (2019) | Australian Marine Sciences Association. Fremantle |
Conference presentation | Hansen J., Cuttler M., Bowyer C., Buckley M., Lowe R. "Application of high-resolution nearshore bathymetry for marine research along the southwestern Australian coastline" | Australian Marine Sciences Association. Fremantle (2019) | Australian Marine Sciences Association. Fremantle |
Conference presentation | Portch C., Buckley M., Lowe R., Hansen J., Lockwood C., Rijnsdorp D., Cuttler M., Green R. "Assessing the reliability of wave-driven coastal flood prediction techniques under varying wave conditions and bottom roughness" | The 2nd International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges and Coastal Hazards. Melbourne (2019) | The 2nd International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges and Coastal Hazards. Melbourne |
Conference presentation | Niemann, C. O’Loughlin, C.D., Tian, Y., Cassidy, M.J., and Reul, O. “Pile groups subjected to lateral cyclic loading – a comparison of 1g and centrifuge model tests” | Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Reykjavik, Iceland (2019) | Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Reykjavik, Iceland |
Conference presentation | Griffiths, T., Teng, Y., Cheng, L., An, H., Draper, S., Mohr, H., Fogliani, A., Mariani, A., & White, D. "Hydrodynamic forces on near-bed small diameter cables and pipelines in currents, waves and combined flow" | The International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Glasgow, United Kingdom (2019) | The International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Glasgow, United Kingdom |
Conference presentation | Bienen, B., Klinkvort, R.T., Fan, S., Black, J., Bayton, S., Thorel, L., Blanc, M., Madabhushi, G., Haigh, S., Broad, T., Zania, V., Askarinejad, A., Li, Q., Kim, D.S., Park, S., Almeida, M., Barra, M.F., Prendergast, L., Kong, D., Zhu, B. "Centrifuge benchmark testing of laterally loaded monopiles in sand“ | Proceedings of the 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (16ARC), Taipei, Taiwan (2019) | Proceedings of the 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (16ARC), Taipei, Taiwan. |
Conference presentation | Ullah, S.N., Hu, Y. and O’Loughlin, C.D. “A green foundation for offshore wind energy - helical piles” | Proceedings of the World Engineers Convention, Melbourne, Australia (2019) | Proceedings of the World Engineers Convention, Melbourne, Australia |
Conference presentation | Zang, L., Chow, S.H., O’Loughlin, C.D., Orszaghova, J., Beemer, R.D. and Wolgamot, H. “Cyclic capacity of dynamically installed anchors and plate anchors in clay” | Proceedings of the 13th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, Perth, Australia (2019) | Proceedings of the 13th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, Perth, Australia |
Conference presentation | Wolgamot, H., Archer, A., Orszaghova, J. “Experimental observation of rainbow trapping in water waves” | KOZwaves (2020) | KOZwaves |
Conference presentation | Hlophe, T. "Real-time wave-by-wave prediction of weakly nonlinear unidirectional irregular wave-fields" | 7th PRIMaRE Conference, University of Plymouth, online (2020) | 7th PRIMaRE Conference, University of Plymouth, online |
Conference presentation | Kurniawan, A. "Numerical simulation of parametric resonance in wave energy converters using simplified models" | 7th PRIMaRE Conference, University of Plymouth, online (2020) | 7th PRIMaRE Conference, University of Plymouth, online |
Conference presentation | Lemoine, S., Orszaghova, J., Wenhua, Z., Taylor, S. "Seasonal Variability Assessment of the M4 Wave Energy Converter Practical Power along the Western Australian Coast" | 7th PRIMaRE Conference, University of Plymouth, online (2020) | 7th PRIMaRE Conference, University of Plymouth, online |
Conference presentation | Chow S.H., Orszaghova J.,Wolgamot H., Beemer R., Ragni, R., Rijndorp, D., Zang, L., Verth, A., Bradley, R., Seng, M., Thong, B., Ross, D. "Studying Mooring of Wave Energy Systems using Scaled Field Trials" | 7th PRIMaRE Conference, University of Plymouth, online (2020) | 7th PRIMaRE Conference, University of Plymouth, online |
Conference presentation | Gaudin, C., O’Loughlin, C.D. and Herduin, M. “The modelling of piles under multidirectional loading” | Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, ECPMG 2020, Luleå, Sweden (2020) | Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, ECPMG 2020, Luleå, Sweden |
Conference presentation | David, D.R., Rijnsdorp, D.P., Hansen, J.E. Lowe, R. “Predicting Nearshore Effects of Wave Farms: Phase-averaged vs Phase resolving models” | Delft Software Days, Webinar (2020) | Delft Software Days, Webinar |
Conference presentation | Kurniawan A. "Wave energy: Past, present, future" | International Conference on Technology and Policy in Electric Power and Energy (ICT-PEP), online (2020) | International Conference on Technology and Policy in Electric Power and Energy (ICT-PEP), 2020 |
Conference presentation | Orszaghova, J., Taylor, P., Wolgamot, H., Madsen, F. J., Pegalajar-Jurado, A., & Bredmose, H. "Second and third order sub-harmonic wave responses of a floating wind turbine" | Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Water, Waves and Floating Bodies (2020) | Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Water, Waves and Floating Bodies |
Conference presentation | Archer, A., Wolgamot, H., Orszaghova, J., Bennetts, L.G., Peter, M.A. & Craster, R.V. "Experimental observation of Rainbow Trapping of water waves" | Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Water, Waves and Floating Bodies (2020) | Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Water, Waves and Floating Bodie |
Conference presentation | McCauley, G., Wolgamot, H., Draper, S., Orszaghova, J. "Non-linear hybrid model for forced heave of a shallowly submerged cylinder" | Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Water, Waves and Floating Bodies (2020) | Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Water, Waves and Floating Bodies |
Conference presentation | Stapelfeldt, M., Alkateeb, D., Grabe, J., Bienen, B. "Numerical simulation of cone penetration tests inside suction caisson foundations in sand" | Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), Virtual Conference: August 3-7, 2020 | Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), Virtual Conference: August 3-7, 2020 |
Conference presentation | Orszaghova, J., Wolgamot, H., Todalshaug, J.H., Gaviglio, H. "Compound pendulum model of a moored heaving buoy" | 36th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB), Seoul, South Korea, (2021) | 36th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB), Seoul, South Korea |
Conference presentation | David, D.R., Rijnsdorp, D.P., Hansen, J.E. Lowe, R. “Assessing the influence of offshore distance on the coastal impacts of wave farms: A comparison of phase-averaged and phase-resolving models” | Coastal Dynamics 2021, Tu Delft, The Netherlands. (2021) | Coastal Dynamics 2021, Tu Delft, The Netherlands. 28th June to 2nd July 2021 |
Conference presentation | David, D.R., Hansen, J.E., Kurniawan, A., Wolgamot, H., Lowe,R., McCauley, G. "Multi-ojbective optimisation for nearshore submerged wave farms" | The 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Plymouth, U.K. (2021) | The 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 5-9 September 2021, Plymouth, UK. |
Conference presentation | Hlophe, T., Wolgamot, H. Kurniawan, A., Taylor, P.H., Orszaghova, J.K., Draper, S. "Fast unidirectional wave-by-wave' prediction oif weakly nonlinear wave fields: Validation using physical measurements" | The 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Plymouth, U.K. (2021) | The 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 5-9 September 2021, Plymouth, UK. |
Conference presentation | Portch C., Cuttler M., Buckley M., Hansen J., Lowe R. "Techniques for quantifying wave runup on irregular profiles using observations in Albany, Western Australia" | 2nd Australasian Young Coastal Scientists & Engineers Conference, (2021) | 2nd Australasian Young Coastal Scientists & Engineers Conference |
Conference presentation | Low H.E., Zhu, F., Mohr, H., Erbrich, C., Watson, P.G., Bransby, M.F., O’Loughlin, C., Randolph, M.F., Mekkawy, M., Travasarou, T., O’Connell, D. "Cyclic Loading of Offshore Wind Turbine Suction Bucket Foundations in Sand" | Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Austin, Texas. Postponed to 8-11 November 2021 | Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Austin, Texas. Postponed to 8-11 November 2021 |
Conference presentation | Cai Y., Bransby F., Gaudin C. "The statistics of monopile foundation capacity in spatially variable soil: is prediction of axial capacity based on a single CPT reliable?" | Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Austin, Texas. Postponed to 8-11 November 2021 | Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Austin, Texas. Postponed to 8-11 November 2021 |
Conference presentation | Nietiedt J.A., Randolph M.F., Gaudin C., Doherty J., Kallehave D., Gengenbach J., Shonberg A. "Physical modelling of pile tip damage arising from impact driving" | Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Austin, Texas. Postponed to 8-11 November 2021 | Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Austin, Texas. Postponed to 8-11 November 2021 |
Conference presentation | Chow, S.H., Bienen, B., Randolph, M.F. "Rapid penetration of spudcans in sand" | Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Austin, Texas. Postponed to 8-11 November 2021 | Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Austin, Texas. Postponed to 8-11 November 2021 |
Conference presentation | Stapelfeldt, M., Bienen, B., Grabe, J. "Suction caisson response under tensile and compressional vertical cyclic loading in layered soils" | Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Austin, Texas (Postponed to 8-11 November 2021) | Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Austin, Texas |
Conference presentation | Chow, S.H., Diambra, A., Roy, A., O’Loughlin, C.D. and Gaudin, C. “Cyclic capacity of plate anchors in loose sand” | Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Austin, Texas. Postponed to 8-11 November 2021 | Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Austin, Texas. Postponed to 8-11 November 2021 |
Conference presentation | Stapelfeldt, M., Bienen, B., Grabe, J. “Insights into the suction caisson installation utilising the material point method“ | Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), Torino, Italy (Accepted. Postponed to 2022) | Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), Torino, Italy. 30 Aug - 2 Sep 2022 |
We wish to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land that Great Southern Marine Research Facility stands upon, the Minang Noongar people. We wish to acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this region.